Useful Resources

Some good textbooks I’ve used…

Machine Learning

  • Sutton, Richard S., and Andrew G. Barto. Reinforcement learning: An introduction, 2011.
  • Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning. Springer, 2006.
  • Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
  • Goodfellow, Ian, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville. Deep learning. MIT press, 2016.
  • Leskovec, Jure, Anand Rajaraman, and Jeffrey David Ullman. Mining of massive datasets. Cambridge university press, 2014.


  • Boyd, Stephen, and Lieven Vandenberghe. Convex optimization. Cambridge university press, 2004.
  • Bertsimas, Dimitris, and John N. Tsitsiklis. Introduction to linear optimization. Vol. 6. Belmont, MA: Athena Scientific, 1997

Online courses I can recommend…

Machine Learning
